Jaguar Cichlid Spawning

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Bichir Boy

Registered Member
Nov 22, 2021
Hello all, I've been having some troubles with my jags and actually finishing their spawning cycle. The two fish are definitely paired, the female has filled with eggs probably about 4 times now at the least, maybe more. The complication arises when the female is laying the eggs. The most I've seen actually make it out are around 20 and more never make it out and the ones that are laid don't usually last more than an hour and I believe are consumed by the parents. The male seems to become extra aggressive while they are breeding which may stop her from finishing laying the batch? They are in a 150gal tank (72inX24inX18in) with sand substrate and medium rounded rocks that the clean and dig around for 2 weeks prior to each batch is laid. Only tank mates are 2 bichir that keep to themselves and the jags show no aggression towards. Any suggestions? All help is appreciated, Thank you!