I have a tank issue and need your input.

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Charlie and Amanda's Daddy
Dec 21, 2001
Vaudreuil-Dorion, Quebec, Canada
I'm having an odd problem with my work tank, something I have never seen before.

This problem just started up recently. I will give you the readers digest version to keep it short.
My the fish in my 50 gallon at work have been getting sick of late.

It's quite odd. They seem normal, they eat, swim,
look normal. Then all of a sudden they start to turn whitish, and the scales appear to just start falling off.

My male Archocentrus Spilirus died about 3 weeks ago. He was hard to see because he is white and by the time I noticed that
anything was wrong it was too late.

Now it is my female severum. The scales are falling off and she has started to hide and rest on
her side in the back of the tank. I mean completely on her side. Laying down sleeping like. She is breathing heavy.

There is no visible parasites or fungus anywhere on her body. But the odd part is when I goto feed the tank she comes right up and eats.
5 minutes later she is back laying down in the back of the tank.

I started a med mixture of NOXich and Melafix, along with a temperature raise to 84 degrees. I also did a 60% water change
today then remedicated.

At this point it has been almost 10 days of this for her. Very Very strange.
She is looking no better and no worse.

All the water parameters are normal. Nothing has changed since the tank was put up in late April.

Today during the water change I did notice something odd though. There was a large slick of something on top of the water.
I eventually dabbed it off with a roll of paper towels. Whatever it was it was THICK.

As you may or may not know I work with printers both digital and offset. I realized today that about the time that the A.Spilurus got sick coincides with the time that the company changed the chemicals that we use to run the offset presses.

Ironically the new stuff is more environmentally friendly.

Do you think that maybe the new chems are the cause of the problem. I have had customers come in and comment about the smell.
I am so use to it I don't even notice. Could it be strong enough to actually affect the tank and is slowly somehow poisoning the fish?

I am also wondering if I cram carbon in one of the baskets of the fluval 403 if that maybe could help with the problem.

What do you think?
Any suggestions/comments?


Humble Disciple of Jesus Christ
Oct 16, 2002
Savannah, GA
I would do what you suggested with the carbon. Carbon removes impurities even from the air. If you leave it laying out (ie. to dry out) it is still pulling pollutants out of the air! I wrap mine tightly in a zip-lock when not in use.

Anyways, I don't have any idea as to what you are describing. Sorry, but every time I have had a fish lay on the bottom and "pant" like that, they have ended up dying. They never seem to make it once this happens. I would say though, that mine didn't swim up for eating time, either! Your case is very peculiar to me:confused: