Discus ID

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AC Moderators
Dec 21, 2005
Spanaway, Wa.
Real Name
actually I think they are priced slightly high given the condition.

if they are indeed 3 yrs old and originally from a LFS, then Bob is correct...they were either culls sold off to LFS or they are lower grade discus.

that said it's not a bad deal but, the damage has been done by the previous owners and you can only try to fatten them up.

I would have suggested a QT set up. they can then treated for some of the common issues discus face when not in the 'optimal' conditions.

if you are not too familiar with discu you should read up on them.
since these are not juveniles you don't have the regimen of daily water changes and plenty of feedings..but it appears they are in a community tank so you will need to keep a watchful eye on them as they don't compete well with many tank mates for food.. they are foragers and you will often find them picking thru detritus on the tank bottom.. for this reason it's is best to keep the water as clean as possible so they can locate food.


AC Members
Apr 29, 2006
doing lots of online research. i don't see how they look so bad. but you guys are the expert. i agree theres a couple thin ones and fins are tattered a bit. they are quite large, as large as i have seen a discus . again im no expert. why do a few think they shoulda been culled, what do you see that im not.
there in with my angels. a few angels had to be moved to a different tank.
if all goes well and things work out i'll set up the 180 i got outside and make it a planted discus.
they kinda grow on ya.


AC Moderators
Dec 21, 2005
Spanaway, Wa.
Real Name
doing lots of online research. i don't see how they look so bad. but you guys are the expert. i agree theres a couple thin ones and fins are tattered a bit. they are quite large, as large as i have seen a discus . again im no expert. why do a few think they shoulda been culled, what do you see that im not.
there in with my angels. a few angels had to be moved to a different tank.
if all goes well and things work out i'll set up the 180 i got outside and make it a planted discus.
they kinda grow on ya.

shape has a lot to do with discus keepers as well as color(richness, distribution of pattern..etc)
finnage as well.. a healthy tank raised discus can get quite large.. think small dinner plate sized. while many discus tend to top out at 6"-8" with some getting as large as 10" with a very round shape with thickness up to 3/4".

thin bodies on discus indicate not enough food or possibly Hex may be causing them to remain thin.. Discus are prone to hex(flagellated protozoa that infect the digestive tract) . generally why I recommend QT and treatment of hex is simple with prazi/metro.(general cure)

A-AA discus will be round in shape no sloping in the forehead area, no beaking of the lips etc. I have some Kenny Cheung Virgin Reds.. I thought I knew what round was.. Kenny ran out of VR's I had purchased and being the gentleman that he is he substituted with his high A Grade, larger VR's.. OMG.. the difference is very distinct.

these were juvenile 2- 3" discus that sold for $20 ea
I carefully raised them in a grow out til they hit 5" then moved them to my community Discus tank they are now easily 7" and still growing.

raising discus 'properly' is very time consuming as it requires daily water changes..young discus are kept in very warm water (84-86 f) daily water changes are needed as they are fed 3-4X per day and un eaten food must be removed. clean water is very important for them.

as I mentioned before you got a decent deal just need to take some steps to secure your investment.


AC Moderators
Dec 21, 2005
Spanaway, Wa.
Real Name
BTW for interests

Discus :
Symphysodon (genus)

species can be :

aequifasciatus- (green)

haraldi/tarzoo (questions surround the tarzoo classification)- (blue/brown/common discus)

discus- (Heckel)


AC Members
May 16, 2006
Real Name
;) You are doing a good thing, keep researching my friend. You will eventually see the difference in breeding quality. Then you will learn what NOT to buy. Nothing wrong with rescuing some tattered souls. Soon you will have a frame of reference to make comparisons. "T"