A Gutsy Mix of African and South American Species, can it be done?

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AC Members
Jul 24, 2023
Houston, Texas
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IPhone 11 Pro Max
Hello everyone! I was wondering if I could get guidance on stocking my 55-gallon tank. I'm considering a very gutsy prospect, but it may work (especially since some of the fish are not permanent stays).

Here is the fish:

1 Silver Arowana (want to buy it around 2-3 inches and raise it until about 6-8 inches), 1 Reed Fish, 1 Elephant Nose Fish, 1 Black Ghost Knifefish (also a temporary stay, but currently have), 1 Striped Raphael Catfish, 1 Irwin Soldier Catfish (also temporary stay).

Ok, I know what many people are probably going to say (*imagines people saying I'm crazy* lol), but all of these fish have been kept in the back of my mind for a long time and I've done extensive research on all of these fish. And, I'm also probably going through with this plan, unless some really disturbing info persuades me otherwise.

I really would like some pointers on how long I could roughly keep some of the larger fish (Arowana, knifefish, and soldier cat) and would the fish I've chosen be compatible with a juvenile arowana. Also, I would like some info on the behavioral patterns of these fish for those of you who have kept one or more of these species listed. If this combo is just plain too risky, what are some other oddball and more "normal" options I could do?


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Jan 11, 2013
West Falls NY
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IMO, there's just too many variables at play to say for certain. Not only is this is mix of potentially incompatible fish, they're being placed in too small of a tank.

Rate of growth is going to depend on quality and quantity of food, water quality, stress, or lack thereof, etc..etc.

Even if some of them did work out temporarily in a 55. What is the plan going forward for them?


AC Members
Jul 24, 2023
Houston, Texas
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IPhone 11 Pro Max
The plan for the half of the stock that would be inappropriate for long-term living in a 55-gallon tank is to be rehomed in homes with people/stores that have the appropriate space for larger specimens.

They're not necessarily in too small of a tank, I've done the research, and juveniles of the species that grow to massive sizes can be kept in a 55-gallon (as mentioned in the original post I'm doing so now with my juvenile Black Ghost Knife fish, it is only about 5 inches and still perfect for my tank, I give it the best care I can give it and its quite happy).

Now if these fish were adults this combo would be out of the question in my mind, I want what is best for the fish, but then again, I also kind of want to check off some things off my bucket list if you know what I mean.