2 Neons with belly bulge

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Registered Member
Jan 30, 2022
Hi! I inherited a tank from a friend who moved, and it seemed very crowded so I have everyone in a bigger tank for a while now and I noticed 2 neons have odd belly bulges. They seem to be hanging out in a little area protected by wood and rocks but do still swim off with the others about half time. None of the other inhabitants seem to have this does this look worrisome? I tried researching what it could be and was nervous that I’m not interpreting info right and don’t want to separate them off and do more harm to them if it’s benign. This is day 2 of belly bulge that I have noticed.
several pics of the two below one is more pronounced than the other.
Thank you for any help! ?






AC Members
Jun 28, 2006
SF Bay area, CA
Welcome to AC! We'll try to help you but will ask many questions. I'll start us off...

Well, it's hard to tell. the first 2 pics look female-ish (same fish?). The later pics look like maybe something else, overeating or constipation? Tetras don't usually have those issues. It doesn't look like "neon tetra disease" unless it's very early, it's usually higher & whiter in the fish's body not the abdomen. I think of NTD as a pale interruption in the blue line. This is good as NTD is untreatable & often fatal.

How long had your friend had them before you took them in? What & how often do you feed? What are your water parameters (ammonia, nitrite & nitrate plus your tap water #s too? How often do you change water & what percentage of the tank volume? Tell us everything! Tank size, pH, GH, KH etc. Other fish? How long has your tank been set up? Did you "cycle" it? (see the top of this newbie forum Before You Get Fish). If you don't have your own API Master Test Kit for these #s, you can take a water sample (tank & tap) to a fish shop & they can do it. Usually free at big box stores. Don't accept OK, we need real numbers or at least a range. Write it down & tell us.

Without knowing more I think I'd add some epsom salt, 1 tablespoon/5 gallons. It's not table salt, it's sold as a foot soak in pharmacy area of stores. I would also feed less & do some large water changes.

I notice you have a shell & rocks I don't recognize. Is the shell real? I would remove it, tetras prefer softer water...but shouldn't cause the bloaty thing.


Registered Member
Jan 30, 2022
Welcome to AC! We'll try to help you but will ask many questions. I'll start us off...

Well, it's hard to tell. the first 2 pics look female-ish (same fish?). The later pics look like maybe something else, overeating or constipation? Tetras don't usually have those issues. It doesn't look like "neon tetra disease" unless it's very early, it's usually higher & whiter in the fish's body not the abdomen. I think of NTD as a pale interruption in the blue line. This is good as NTD is untreatable & often fatal.

How long had your friend had them before you took them in? What & how often do you feed? What are your water parameters (ammonia, nitrite & nitrate plus your tap water #s too? How often do you change water & what percentage of the tank volume? Tell us everything! Tank size, pH, GH, KH etc. Other fish? How long has your tank been set up? Did you "cycle" it? (see the top of this newbie forum Before You Get Fish). If you don't have your own API Master Test Kit for these #s, you can take a water sample (tank & tap) to a fish shop & they can do it. Usually free at big box stores. Don't accept OK, we need real numbers or at least a range. Write it down & tell us.

Without knowing more I think I'd add some epsom salt, 1 tablespoon/5 gallons. It's not table salt, it's sold as a foot soak in pharmacy area of stores. I would also feed less & do some large water changes.

I notice you have a shell & rocks I don't recognize. Is the shell real? I would remove it, tetras prefer softer water...but shouldn't cause the bloaty thing.

thanks for the reply! :)
I did nothing and they were resolved yesterday I couldn’t tell them apart from the rest.

the original tank was a 25g with hob filter had by him for 3 years and I got it in Feb 2021 It was full of algae and Hornwart that took over and so I did a major cleaning of it, I took out the majority of the water and all the citizens and put them in a bucket. I did a good swishing around of the substrate- that water was blaaack and smelled like dirt. Soo once it was like maybe light brown cloudy I gave it a rest and put water from my “zero water” pitcher in there …that was a lot of hurry up and wait. I put new floss in the filter some conditioner and seed in the water and let it run while I was at work. Added back the rocks and 1/2 the plants and the citizens and they all were good for many months up till Christmas where I saw the largest Amano kill a cherry mid molt. This happened 2 times—I watch the tank a lot it’s in my living room. So I thought maybe it was time to upgrade.
What was living in there:
6 neons
3glowlight tetras
2 rosy barbs— one jumped out ?
2 corys
2 nirite snails
6 Amanos
3 cherries

they are all now in a 40g with an aqua top CF 300

I cycled that 40g tank from about thanksgiving to early jan with 6 white clouds in it and a snail -it was intended for other fish but that’s ok :) we will wait for another time.

the rocks and wood and shell are from our local aquarium store, not sure the actual types. Took the shell out.

I got a water test kit and tested it -all looked in wnl and so I acclimated the other fish in 2 wks ago with some of their own water from their tank and everyone seems happy and are looking brighter! (Till the neons this weekend) I never have had anything other than a couple bettas and guppies before myself so I have been doing lots and lots of reading. My family had a reef tank when I was a teenager so I have some MINOR background knowledge of that and what it took to maintain it but I really don’t know anything about fish diseases and what they look like.
I’m working my way to having a reef tank of my own. I’m a couple weeks in on all my research and will probably start collecting equipment in a few weeks! Super excited!!

my water parameters this morning:

pH 7.4
NO2- 0ppm
Am 0ppm
NO3- 5.0ppm

I bought an RO filter now so when I change water the ph may come out slightly lower.

Thanks for all the help!


AC Members
Jun 28, 2006
SF Bay area, CA
I'm glad it worked itself out. Your pH is fine, I wouldn't mess around with it. Tap water is easiest to use & RO needs to be mixed with tap or remineralized to make good for fish etc.


Registered Member
Jan 30, 2022
I'm glad it worked itself out. Your pH is fine, I wouldn't mess around with it. Tap water is easiest to use & RO needs to be mixed with tap or remineralized to make good for fish etc.
Thank you ?