white cloud minnows

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  1. FishL0ver

    20 Gallon Tank Fish Ideas

    Hi, I have a tall 20 gallon tank. I was thinking of giving my 3 guppies and white cloud minnows into the tank. However, I was thinking that I could do some other schooling fish instead. One fish that instantly crossed my mind: Tiger barbs. I love these fish and they are the size I find...
  2. FishL0ver

    20 Gallon Angelfish?

    I recently have gotten a new 20 gallon fish tank. I am going to switch my 3 guppies, 3 white cloud minnows and 4 inch goldfish into the tank. I have always had a fascination with angelfish. I was wondering if I could put just one angel in the tank with the other fish I have. Is it possible...
  3. FishL0ver

    Fish Ideas For 20 Gallon

    Hi, I recently got a new 20 gallon tank. My hopes for this tank are to transfer my telescope goldfish, 3 guppies and 3 white cloud minnows into the tank. I would also like to either get new fish for the tank, or add more fish, like guppies and white cloud minnows. I was also thinking of another...