betta help

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  1. G

    Sick (or old?) betta

    Shish is a single male betta, approximately 2.5 years old, kept in a 3.5 gallon tank. Parameters are all good at every weekly test/25% change. He suffered (I think) a case of popeye maybe two months ago, which was treated with Melafix; his eye is still cloudy but the swelling has gone down, so...
  2. B

    really sick betta- please help

    hi! i took home a betta fish yesterday from petco that was NOT doing well at all. ive been doing research all day and i think he has velvet, swim bladder disease, and columnaris. hes not eating, has little black spots on his fin, a med sized wooly white patch and redness on his sides, and he has...
  3. L

    Red spots on Betta?

    Hi, I set up a small aquarium for a black orchid betta male about a week or two ago, and I’ve noticed he has these little red looking spots on his head that have spread. They almost look like ulcers or like his scales are missing? He is overall pretty active and is eating fine. The tank is 3.5...