Preparing a Rio Negro Biotope


AC Members
Aug 22, 2008
I will join to the AGA 2009 in the biotope category,so i want to create a 'true' biotope of Rio Negro.I have 3mm black gravel(brown mixed) and lots of driftwoods.For the plants,can i use Heteranthera zosterifolia(stargrass) and Cabomba caroliniana?And i want to use Echinodorus sp. too but which species can we find in Rio Negro?For the fishes,Bushymouth catfish,Cardinal tetra and Hemigrammus bleheri and i want to have a dwarf cichlid too but which species?For the foreground plant can i use Echinodorus tenellus?
Sorry for too many questions and my bad english.
Your English is fine.:)

Perhaps blue rams, Apistogramma panduro or Apistogramma cacatuiodes? Your selection of fish is fine. What size is this tank?
My tank is 80*40*45cm,145lt.I searched Negro ecosystem on fishbase and i found only Apistogramma wapisana,no ram or bolivian ram.I thougt that these fishes were living in the blackwater rivers but i found nothing.What about the plant selection?I'm not sure for the echinodorus sp. too.Are there all species in that area?This link says too that there are the dwarfs bu when i click on Rio Negro there is no dwarf cichlid!
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I was not exactly focusing on the outline 'Rio Negro'.lol Sorry about the confusion. It's hard to find a species specifically in that area. Does AGA 2009 have rules to allow alternatives?
I don't think.For this category,the rules are too strict.Ex:If i create a south american biotope,it's not a true biotope,it's only a geographical theme.Do you have any idea on another biotope(for south america).
I would find a species of fish you are very passionate and start the biotope around them. Keep in mind that many plants are spread out through many ecosystems in South America. Here are fish present: Negro.htm

Best of luck! I hope to enter into that category myself, perhaps. This year they only got three entries, so I figure it's worthwile.
Thanks a lot!I solved the plant problem and for the fishes i will go with rummynoses,cardinals and bushymouths.
Thanks a lot!I solved the plant problem and for the fishes i will go with rummynoses,cardinals and bushymouths.

Nice combination! And your English is just fine.

What does "Cagatay Aydin" mean? I assume it is a greeting.
