Food To Make Fish Grow Faster.....


I'm Not A Playa I Just Fish A Lot
Jan 24, 2008
Where Legends Are Born, MD
I was wondering if there was a specific food that anyone may suggest that would make my Jack Dempsey grow faster?? He isn't quite big enough for feeder fish or crickets yet
Plenty of water changes and varying the food diet will help. Try mosquito larva, bloodworms, commercial foods, earthworms, etc.
Plenty of water changes and varying the food diet will help. Try mosquito larva, bloodworms, commercial foods, earthworms, etc.

well, i currently feed him

Frozen Bloodworms
Frozen Beefheart
Hikari Cichlid Gold Pellets
TetraMin PRO Tropical Flakes

(Not All At The Same Time Of Course)
Will need more especially water changes.:) If you can get some shrimps, it would be a nice addition to the menu.

well the water changes is a given, i do a 25% change weekly, do you mean live shrimps???? if so what kind?
well the water changes is a given, i do a 25% change weekly, do you mean live shrimps???? if so what kind?
I meant raw shrimps bought from markets. Just remove the exoskeleton and feed them straight to the fish. Of course, thaw if still frozen just like frozen bloodworms. I'd do thrice a week water change if I were you.:)
wow, ok lupin i will try that.....thanks
Just inject once a day with FGH "fishy growth hormone" and leave some larger rocks in the tank that he can lift :liar::grinyes:

is that legal??? i don't want a federal investigation on my
Krill works for me...with incredible results.