Trouble sexing my electric blue Jack Dempseys

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AC Members
Jun 28, 2006
SF Bay area, CA
I should have guessed that! She's going to need a bigger tank or rehoming eventually but you already know that...I don't think Lolita will ever get along with her in any tank...but the male (Gus?) might ;)

Just a word of warning on stunting. We once had 2 or 4 Dempsey little fry & 1 "disappeared". We thought it got eaten. Weeks later we found it in the filter box. It was always a lot smaller, poor thing.

Fishie Mama

AC Members
Jun 14, 2022
I should have guessed that! She's going to need a bigger tank or rehoming eventually but you already know that...I don't think Lolita will ever get along with her in any tank...but the male (Gus?) might ;)

Just a word of warning on stunting. We once had 2 or 4 Dempsey little fry & 1 "disappeared". We thought it got eaten. Weeks later we found it in the filter box. It was always a lot smaller, poor thing.
We had that happen a couple times. The day my mom had to be rushed to the hospital we found a dead fish stuck to the suction tube. Same thing happened to a couple of our axolotls. They’d get a foot stuck and sometimes we’d get to them in time.
I should have guessed that! She's going to need a bigger tank or rehoming eventually but you already know that...I don't think Lolita will ever get along with her in any tank...but the male (Gus?) might ;)

Just a word of warning on stunting. We once had 2 or 4 Dempsey little fry & 1 "disappeared". We thought it got eaten. Weeks later we found it in the filter box. It was always a lot smaller, poor thing.
I adore Eleanor no matter what size she is. She is growing and developing now. I actually named her/him Eleanor because when I took over their care she seemed to be much leaner than her sister Lolita. The day my mom was rushed to the hospital we found another one in the tank that died from getting stuck in the intake pump of the filter. Same exact thing happened a couple times with the axolotls. Saved a couple in time but they just kept getting trapped


AC Members
Jun 28, 2006
SF Bay area, CA
That's too bad about the axlotls, but the dempsey may have died for some reason & then gotten sucked to the intake. I put coarse sponges on filter intakes to keep out big debris.

Our stunted dempsey must have jumped into the filter box & lived on sucked up food. It was a very old style Dynaflo (some old timers might remember those, lol). Scary family emergencies can happen & always come first of course. I hope your mom has had a full recovery.

I'd love to see a pic of your axlotls! I've only seen them a few times years ago. Maybe post in general FW so more people can see them.

Fishie Mama

AC Members
Jun 14, 2022
That's too bad about the axlotls, but the dempsey may have died for some reason & then gotten sucked to the intake. I put coarse sponges on filter intakes to keep out big debris.

Our stunted dempsey must have jumped into the filter box & lived on sucked up food. It was a very old style Dynaflo (some old timers might remember those, lol). Scary family emergencies can happen & always come first of course. I hope your mom has had a full recovery.

I'd love to see a pic of your axlotls! I've only seen them a few times years ago. Maybe post in general FW so more people can see them.
They’re awesome! Each is just over 6 inches long. Pinky is a male and named appropriately. Bertha is our albini female with a giant head haha. Great idea! They’re hilarious!






Fishie Mama

AC Members
Jun 14, 2022
Do males get more markings than females? My little one has been developing most extensive markings almost every day. Any clues at this point?



AC Members
Jun 28, 2006
SF Bay area, CA
Markings? I go by fins' lengths & shape mostly. See how Eleanor's anal (bottom) fin is more than half way down the length of "her" tail & kind of pointy at the end? Female cichlid's stop close after the caudal peduncle & are usuallyrounded off. (caudal penducle = the fleshy part of the tail). I think she may turn out to be a male but "she's " too small to tell yet. I'm guessing not quite 2 inches?

I've never had electric blue cichlids of any species. My observations are for most CA/SA cichlids...but not angels or discus...maybe a few others? I am making generalizations of the several I've kept & seen, that's the best I can do.

Fishie Mama

AC Members
Jun 14, 2022
I’m starting to think the same based on the length of the fins. I don’t care either way cause that fish is going to end up in our little tank. We have a place already that will take babies/fry and we’re aware of how hard it is to get them to 2 inches. She/he killed a Rosie after putting 2 in the tank to help stimulate him/her. The ones I added to the big tank are doing a great job keeping the pair from just staying in the corner together


AC Members
Jun 28, 2006
SF Bay area, CA
Rosie what? Tiny loaches come to my mind first, lol. But there are barbs & tetras, maybe minnows (rosy reds I think) & other species/genera with that common name.
You need to up your name game girl! JK... in a way... There are no other Dempseys than yours, some names are like that. But common names can be "too common" & we might not know what you mean. What fish did you mean?