Tetras being aggressive new to this forum plz help

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I like loaches

AC Members
Jan 1, 2023
I have a mixed school of tetras who constantly attack each other in my 20 gallon. One serpae one Colombian one candy cane and three glofish. Why are they attacking each
Apr 2, 2002
New York
Most likely first because they are different species. It is best to keep any of the schooling or shoaling fish fish in as big a group as you can. And they look more amazing like that. Then listen to what the gent in the vid below says.

Bear in mind that schooling is a defensive behavior. It the fish do not theink there may be or a threat nearby they will school. But, when they panic in a tank the school may break up and it's everyfish for itself and they will hide wherever they can. I used to use either Siamese algae eaters or red line barbs (seen in the vid above) as a perfect bigger fish that was not actually a threat to the tetras but their size worked to keep them schooling a lot.

A 20 is not really big enough for a decent school of most tetras. A 20 long might have been better.
Apr 2, 2002
New York
I do not have a lot of gourami experience. I only kept them in my very first tank and then for under 2 years. From what I can read on the sites where I go for info on fish it would appear it could work but that the gourami would likely want a tank with a bit more space. Male gouramis are the more colorful and also the more belligerant of the two sexes. Do not get a pair if they appeal as a "threat" fish. Make sure there are some real of fake lants in the tank as well so the schoolers can hide if they get really freaked out.

I should mention I am not a fan of glowfish. But that is just my personal opinion. However they are a genetically engineered version of several species including danios, tetras, barbs and some more I am sure. Do yoiu know from which base species your glofsh are?

If you can, I would pick just one species of the shchooling fish you have, or a different one entirely, and then, based on their size, you can keep at least 6 or more depending on the max. size of the species you choose. I am assuming your water is OK for the fish. If you are not sure, you can ask here.

It is not required to have a 'threat fish" with a group of schoolers. You will still see them school at times, meander at times and during feeding its every fish for itself.

I like loaches

AC Members
Jan 1, 2023
Yes, I am not too much of a fan for glofish, but they were recommended to me by the pet store people so I got it