Jack dempsey

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AC Members
Jun 28, 2006
SF Bay area, CA
Welcome to AC tommy!

We need to see both fish's dorsal & anal fins (top & bottom) from the side. It looks to me like the top fish has longer pointy fins in comparison to the end of the fleshy part of the tail (caudal penduncle). But the fish is slightly angled. I can't see the bottom fish's fins at all, sorry. Females fins are more rounded & shorter, only a little past the peduncle.

Also can you tell us their sizes please? Females tend to be a lot smaller at adult size. But of course 2 males can be different sizes too. Just going by color both might be male (again, a size thing).

Behavior can also tell a lot. Females are usually mature at a smaller size than males take an interest in breeding. She may beat him up if he doesn't act interested when she's ready. 2 males may fight too but the larger is almost always the "winner" forcing the smaller to hide a lot.

Post up another pic or 3 & we'll try again.